
The Truth.

For some reason, people associate the college of The University of Chicago with that Wacky Guy with a Bow Tie™[*] which is no more true than the Enrico Fermi Institute or the LAW School, per se ... 🙄

Here's what the Common Core made all undergraduates *encounter*[**]

- Durkheim, 'The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life'
- 'The Marx-Engels Reader'
- Freud, 'The Interpretation of Dreams'
- Thucydides, 'The Peloponnesian War'
- Foucault, 'Discipline and Punish'
- Max Weber, 'The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism'
- Adam Smith, 'The Wealth of Nations'
- Apuleuis, 'The Golden Ass'



(Kant? Hume? ... Sure. Pick 'em if you want. Toni MORRISON'S '

[*] Milton Friedman — his rise was concomitant with the ascendency of Japan, don'tcha KNOW, cars and computers (it's even in 'Strangelove,' drily NOTED — " ... but they make such good CAMERAS!!!" as Peter Sellers *notes*. Stanley Kubrick People needed to be *consoled*, and were *warning* to it, his vision of the (free-market, AMERICAN) world ... But see Naomi KLEIN'S [not Naomi WOLF, ha-ha, both who she was CONFUSED for & turned into a RIGHT-WING *NUTCASE* 🙄 #YEAH 🖕🖕🖕🖕 #fuckYOUwingnuts — a confusion she had to deal with in her real life and documented in her very-RECENT book (at stores NOW ... !!! 😀 👍👍👍 #YEAH ) 'Doppleganger'] *essential* text, 'The SHOCK *DOCTRINE*: The Rise of Disaster CAPITALISM,' for what his world has *really* left you ... you won't like it much, but you're better off KNOWING 😀 👍👍👍 #YEAH , and it's *the* 600-page book to READ, carrying real AUTHORITY ... *much* better than Chomsky, say, or anything by Amy GOODMAN (whom I haven't read — who's got the time for EVERYTHING?? 🤔 — but I've got it from Source(s) I Trust that she's Worth *Skipping* ... 😀 👍👍👍 #YEAH ) Naomi Klein - ed. 😀 👍👍👍 #YEAH
[**] Barring the affirmative-ACTION types, who of course had their requirements WAIVED for them, like they did to get *in* 🙄 ... But wait, if you like THAT, there's certainly *more*: You know what Chicago is ... ?? 🤔 It's *crooked-er than a wire HANGER bent and folded TWICE OVER and once again MAYBE* ... David MAMET just wrote a fairly-recent book about how he realized he LIKED it that way — "you just had to know who to ASK ... " he says, effectively, and LITERALLY, and so much for participatory DEMOCRACY or faith in INSTITUTIONS in the city where they'd rather hand the election to NIXON than relinquish the Mayor Daley Sr.'s STRANGLEHOLD on the *place* 🙄 #fuckYOUdaleysseniorandJUNIOR 😡 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 #ivotedforCAROLMOSLEYBRAUN #ibelieveANITAHILLasmuchasSONICYOUTHdoesinthatSONG Sonic Youth 😀 #YEEEEAHBOY #YEEEAH 🌮 #TACO 👽 #ALIEN 🌍 #EARTH 🤯 #MINDEXPLOSION 😉 #WINK #WINKEDYWINKWINKWIIIIIINK 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉 #ANYWAY 👌 — and now considers himself a "conservative," whatever THAT means, by now, generations past IKE full-of-SPITE and post-BUCKLEY™ ... know how many black people I saw there who struck my as "affirmative ACTION" ("affirmative PEOPLE," they called themselves, *entre NOUS*, as I *deduced* one time, years later, when I was talking to a typically-LAZY, solipsistic, and misanthropic EXAMPLE of such who said she was doing the A.I.D.S. (charity) bike ride and said she wasn't looking forward to spending the day with a bunch of "positive people" and when I asked what she meant and she just REPEATED herself and I was like "HIV positive ... ??" 🤔 she erupted into GIGGLES ... she had (practically) no friends on campus except for the boyfriend she's been dating from across town since she was 15 (he went there, too — what a BONANZA!!! 😀 👍👍👍 #YEAH Both were *caucasian-LOOKING* with unique names *well* past "Sally" or "Hal" or "Luis," even ... so, why meet anyone ELSE ... ?? 🤔 #HMM #REINVENTINGTHEWHEEL #AHHHFUCKIT 🤯 😀 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 #FUCKEVERYBODY 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 🌍 ) and when I encountered her at a party some years later-from-graduating since she didn't recognize me she SNARLED at me (it *was* a costume party ... ) since she's never learned how to get along with people and she didn't realize who I *was* ... yet. Best $110 I ever *spent*, to flush *that* reaction out if her ... #CUNT 😡 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 #FUCKYOU #KEEPYOURBLOWJOBSTOYOURSELF #INEPTPRACTITIONER ) ... 🤔 Practically *none*: on the other HAND, there was a Cuban guy loaded with muscles like he was a circus-strongman in my DORM like he GOT that way because that was all he spent his time *DOING* who was pro-Gulf War™ [this was '90-'91 school YEAR, mind! - ed. 😀 👍👍👍 #MEMORIES ] ... a couple, three-four-FIVE Spanish-LANGUAGE speakers who didn't seem exceptionally BOOKISH to *me* personally 🤔 ... a Greek guy ... a *Polish* girl who, mea CULPA, I *dated* 😀 👍👍👍 #soHARDtoMEETPEOPLEtheseDAYS #especiallywhenyourehostingtheCIASPROGENYlikemikeBULLIEDBYHISBROTHERANDFULLOFGUILTANDPSYCHOSISpeterHEILEN 🙄 #nowTHERESaloadtoSWALLOW 😡 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 #fuckYOUmike #fuckYOUcia 🤪 #publicenemyRULES ... both from across town ... now, don't get too DEPRESSED or anything, because you know what the real RULE *is* ... ?? 🤔 It's that *anything that EXISTS has to be WATCHED LIKE A HAWK* by people because as soon as you turn your back it can be *GAMED like FUCK* by people ... "The violence between the Crips and the Bloods escalated after the movie 'Colors' came out," one guy, who started dating another "affirmative ACTION" girl before the rest of us had come out of our rooms said good-bye to our parents and so much as BLINKED at each other ["Did they *know* each other, do you *think* ... ??" Jenny SCHAEFFER from Ohio asked me, between mutual puffs on cigarettes in the STUDENT *LOUNGE*, one-or-two times EARLY *on* ... I, of course, didn't have an ANSWER ... 🤔 - ed. #HMM ] ... "they felt it made the [other] side look [more] bloodthirsty [I don't remember which-was-WHICH ... 🤔 #HMM - ed.], and they felt they had to *make UP* for it ... " #henryROLLINS #janesADDICTION #FISHBONE #SLACKER #SPIKELEE #PUBLICENEMY #SOMEBODYSAVEMEPLEEEEASESAVEME 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘 #SICKdude #SIIICK — I've NEVER heard that in a media source, before-or-SINCE, and I *still* have to wonder where he *got* it from ... 🤔 #CHOLOS #INTERESTINGPEOPLE #seeDISCOSOUTMURDERSINTHETRUESTORYOFFRANKTHESHANKANDLASMOSTNOTORIOUSPUNKGANGSforMORE #itsbyHEATHMATTOILIandSOMEOTHERGUYIDONTREMEMBERbecausetheOTHERGUYiguessslippedmymindsinceHEdidntLIKEquoteunquotemyREVIEWOFITonGOODREADS 😀 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 #YAYuh #IANELLOequalsSHITbytheway #seeBELOW 🙄 #LOSER #cartoonFIGURE #JOKE 😡 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 #fuckYOUidiot #fuckYOUUUUUU


- ed.





Smiley McGrouchpants Jr. Esq. III

I wrote the story “Rand vs. RAND" as well as “Icosadyadria” and “Crouching Schuyler, Hidden Dragon," two self-published books granted feat. reviews in "Kirkus."